Monday, May 13, 2013

Jets at Hamilton-Fairfield Airport

It's rare to see more than one jet on the tarmac at this small airport.  Even rarer to see a Citation X which can be yours for about $25 Million. I went bananas wanting to take photographs so I did from behind the chain link fence.
*Click on any photo to enlarge them*

About 10 yrs ago I was at this same airport, while a friend took a couple folks flying in a single engine plane. I took up conversation with two pilots waiting on their boss to return.  One was friendly and as I asked questions let me see the inside of a Lear jet! This was before I was into photography.  It was small and only held about 6 people besides the pilots. He let me go inside and sit in the pilot seat in the cockpit. Such a thrill that was! This is me in front of that jet, before my housemate took his brother and friend for a ride. I had no idea his brother was snapping photos until i turned around.

Now my goal is to see the inside of a Citation X!

This was another jet that was out there, a smaller one.

Here is a youtube video of the magnificent Citation X machine!

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