Friday, June 29, 2012

100 Degree Days from Suburbia

Click on any photograph to see it enlarged to full size.

Above squirrel happy to see me. Below, squirrel scratching (fleas?) and you can see his tongue!
*Click on photographs to enlarge them*
Ok, so it's hotter than hello kitty outside, and I don't get out much anyway, so how to amuse myself.  Why, photographing the newly added bird bath, and extra pet dishes put out in the yard.  This is for the occasional neglected stray cat (Don't get me started) and various wildlife that passes through the yard.

I encourage you to put extra  water out in this weather.  Try to find a shady spot and if you want to discourage pets from coming too close to the the house, put at back of yard in a shady spot but refill as often as possible, and before bedtime, too!  Or fill with ice cubes.

Today, I got up  at 8 AM to water the flowers and the critters.  I usually wait until around noon to feed the birds and squirrels their black sunflower seed food.  Next to the stack of pavers, left over from the patio, sits a large metal garbage can holding over 50 lbs of food.  Some thistle for the small birds & sunflower seeds for the others.  This morning, a squirrel was pressing his front paws against the patio doors, looking for that lady (moi!) who feeds him/her/them.  I missed a photo of that but did get one through a window screen of him on top of the brick stacks, trying to figure out how to get said can open.

You might recall my rare photo of the Chipmunk Trio who sat there waiting for their afternoon snack.

Baby robin in next door neighbor's tree, waiting on food for he and his siblings. Mama came soon after this shot.

Excuse the weed peeking up through the pavers, but this squirrel was taking advantage of the shade!

Then he got a drink of water but I almost missed that.  This is a little blurry but if you look closely, there's a bit of water on his chin.
Oh, this was earlier, one of the seven squirrels in the yard, had looked through the patio doors impatiently, then waited for me next to the feed can.

Squirrel in back of yard thanking me for finally putting out food around noon.

One of the many, smaller pans for 'water cooler talk' for the smaller birds. Note, big pedestal bird bath in white.

Newest (third) white bird bath addition!

This mourning dove seemed to be resting it's eyes in the sun while creating partial shade with wings.

Salmon Colored Day Lily
Fake -four -colored Day Lily PS-Hack- job!
And even on the hottest of days, housemate's female cat Smudge, lying against doors to get her vitamin D, under the thermal drapes!

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